Friday, April 29, 2011

Dad in town!!

Dad came into town from Arizona for a week!!  It was so nice getting to spend some quality time with him!  I decided to bring my camera that way we could capture a few pictures together since it is a rare thing that we are together!  Thank you for putting up with the cold to step outside for a quick photo session fam!! :) xoxo

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Quality BFF Time!!!

So my good friend Jenny came up to Colorado to visit me!!!  It was so nice of her to come visit!!  We had such a blast....we did a lot in a very short time....and it snowed the entire time she was here.  She cracked me up taking so many photos of the snow...but I guess thats how you are when you live in dry, hot AZ and don't see much snow.  Also I am still laughing at how she reacted on the lift at Winterpark when she saw the squirl!!!  Thanks so much for coming to visit and spending some quality girl time with me...and also for the tips snowboarding!  Can't wait to show Patrick my skills :)

You are always welcome at my home in Colorado!!!  Miss you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Park!!

Winter Park is about an hour and a half away from us.  I've only ever snow boarded at Sunrise which is so tiny compared to this mountain!!  We had such a blast...Patrick was very patient with me!  I get very frustrated when I don't catch on as quick as I'd like.  I always get stuck on those flat spots bc I'm scared of going fast and my legs were on FIRE bc I'm afraid of toe side!!  We drove up that morning and then back that evening.  The drive there was quite and gorgeous whereas the drive back was a huge snow storm.  It took twice as long to get home...scary!!  I couldn't walk for like a week after either...can we say out of shape?!?!  Too fun!  I was so excited to try out my new gear..thanks to my hubby who bought it for me for xmas!!  I can't wait to go back soon!!!